Download this months prayer time table, including jammat times

View full prayer time table, including jammat times

Day: Mon, 31 March

Starts Prayer Jammat
05:05am Fajr 05:30am
1:12pm Zhur 1:30pm
5:31pm Asr 6:15pm
7:38pm Magribh 7:38pm
8:53pm Esha 9:30pm
Current events

There are no events held this week

Help us to make you a bit more comfortable, we are now collecting money for:

  • Air conditioning system £3500

  • MIC audio system £1000

  • CCT system £1500

  • Wudhu hand dryer £1000

Below is our bank details or pay with cash or bankcard at the Masjid

Bank account details

Sopwell community trust

Sort code: 23-05-80

Account no.: 19954978

Visit our crowdfunder home page

Sopwell Community Trust (SCT) has successfully acquired the Christadelphian Church as a freehold purchase. Please visit our crowdfunder page to support the Masjid.

Mount Snowdonia challenge

Last year members of the community supported us by raising funds. Their hardwork was turned into donations for treking across Mount Snowonia. A big thank you to all who donated - may Allah reward you.